Rabu, 17 April 2019

Dinner Party Cookbook

Dinner Party Cookbook
By:Karen Lancaster
Published on 2012-07-24 by Simon and Schuster

This cookbook makes entertaining easy. The 21 special-occasion and ethnic theme dinner parties include complete menus, over 100 easy-to-follow recipes, and dozens of ideas for invitations, decorations, table settings, music, and beverages—everything you need to have a great party, except the guest list. This cookbook makes entertaining easy. The 21 special-occasion and ethnic theme dinner parties include complete menus, over 100 easy-to-follow recipes, and dozens of ideas for invitations, decorations, table settings, music, and beverages—everything you need to have a great party, except the guest list. Inside you’ll find: • Formal Dinner, featuring Pesto Pinwheels, Salmon en Croute with Dill Sauce, Wild Rice with Pine Nuts, and Crème Brûlé • Happy Housewarming, featuring Spinach and Oyster Crostini, Roast Pork Loin with Cherry Relish, and Praline Cheesecake • Backyard Barbecue, featuring Barbecued Spareribs, Potato-Vegetable Salad, Watermelon Sorbet, and Lemon Squares • New Year’s Eve, featuring Lobster Bisque, Risotto with Porcini Mushrooms, and Tiramisu • Romantic Dinner for Two, featuring Caviar with Toast Points, Cornish Hens on a Bed of Wild Rice, and Chocolate Mousse • Flavors of Asia, featuring Spring Rolls with Hot Mustard, Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce, and Orange/Almond Salad • Middle Eastern Elegance, featuring Lamb Kebabs, Couscous with Eggplant, and Baklava • Russian Repast, featuring Borscht, Chicken Kiev, Boiled Potatoes with Dill, and Charlotte Russe

This Book was ranked at 28 by Google Books for keyword the best of chocolate a cookbook.

Book ID of Dinner Party Cookbook's Books is 2O1iPd8u-X4C, Book which was written byKaren Lancasterhave ETAG "LJrrIgggFpY"

Book which was published by Simon and Schuster since 2012-07-24 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781451679946 and ISBN 10 Code is 1451679947

Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is false

Book which have "128 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryCooking

This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""

This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE

Book was written in en

eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is true

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Dinner Party Cookbook

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